Thursday, June 21, 2018

Your Attitude Sucks! - Fix it!

Hi Friends! Here is another label for you -
Morbidly Obese.
Screw it! Here Goes Nothing!
(I have written, edited, and deleted this post about 10 times.) have been overweight, obese and/or morbidly obese since my teen years. I would lose some weight, then gain more back. I went to the gym - I did fitness classes - I would put muscle on; lose some weight; and slide... I feel like I have tried every diet.
So I would go from 185 to 180 to 190 to 185 then I became an adult and 185 became 210 to 250 to 230 and it would go up and down. When I reached 300 pounds I stopped stepping on the scale... it would just depress me.

In 2012, I was 330 pounds.

My wife, daughter and I started doing the belly fat cure, I still recommend this series, we were doing what we were supposed to, going to the gym, we ent to fitness classes. I gained muscle, lost weight. But life happens... And I found that I started putting it all back on.

By the beginning of 2016, I had gotten my weight back up to 285. Something had to change.

Yes! Something had to change. But I changed my diet a million times, I changed this and that.. what needed to change? Something had to change.

My wife likes to tell me; "your attitude sucks, fix it"

My label of Morbidly Obese needed to change as well.

As much as I hate to admit the following statement.


My attitude sucked, and I needed to fix it.

I have gone from a 48 BMI to a 20! From 330 Pounds to 145.

I have beat my own personal goals, I have beat the goals my doctor set for me, I am 38 years old, I have lost 60% of myself, and yet, I have new goals.

And that is where YOU come in.

I can tell you about my weight loss, and how it happened, but that is not enough.

Part of my journey is to make it to where others have the tools and support they need to do the same.

So, if you want in.. stay tuned...

(No I am not trying to sell some weight loss product, book, or anything else...)

I will share my experience, you can share yours...

1 comment:

  1. I met you at the early part of your struggle.. i loved your shape however i knew you did not.. i am very happy for you to have reaching and exceded your goals.. im getting there myself.
